We want to let you know about some exciting changes and features. Continue reading below to explore frequently asked questions (FAQ) about the new site.
Among many new website features, we are excited that our new giving platform will enable you to view your giving history, regenerate receipts for past gifts, and manage your recurring gifts – including adding or removing designated ministries, and editing the amounts of your existing designations.
As part of this process, we have migrated to a new payment processor. Among many other benefits, this change will lower our credit card processing fees, from 3.2% to 3.0%! The new checkout page reflects the updated rate of 3% if you choose to give the additional amount at checkout. If your recurring gift from our old system was migrated with the previous rate of 3.2%, we have automatically reduced your rate to 3.0%.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):
How do I create an account?
If you are already a recurring giver from our previous system, please wait for us to email you in the coming weeks with more specific instructions, so that we can connect your existing information with your new account. For all others, when you give your first gift on the new site, you will see this text at the top of the checkout page: “For a faster giving experience, please log in or create an account.” When you follow the link, just enter an email address and a password.
How do I login to my account?
When you visit our site, click the “LOGIN” button in the upper right corner of your screen, and enter the email and password you used to register.
How do I see a record of my giving history?
Once you are logged in, go to “My Account” in the upper right corner of your screen, then select “My Giving.”
How do I make a change to a recurring gift?
From the “My Giving” page, scroll down to the “Recurring Gifts” section. For any row, click the three lines to the far right, and select “Edit.”
If you have more than one designation in your recurring gift, they will be listed as separate rows here, but once you open the Edit window, you will see all of your designations in one place. All historical recurring gifts, including Inactive/Canceled status gifts, will be displayed here.
Why hasn’t my recurring gift been migrated yet?
If you currently give an EFT that was set up using our paper form (5th and 25th of the month), we plan to migrate your gift in the future, but we do not have an estimated date at this time. Please continue to email Jennifer Glasgow or call 678-992-5313 x18 for any changes to these gifts.
What should I do if I made an error on a recent gift?
We’re ready to help; please reach out right away! Email Jennifer Glasgow or call 678-992-5313 x18.
Does the extra Processing Fee update when I edit my Recurring Gift?
When you edit the amount of a recurring gift, the processing fee does not automatically update. (Our developers are aware of our request for this feature, and we expect it to be implemented in the near future.) As we are notified of changes to recurring gifts, we will manually update associated processing fees to reflect the 3% rate.
How is credit card and bank draft processing handled?
VISA, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, and your personal bank account and routing number are all accepted on the new site. All payment methods are processed in a secure manner in full compliance with PCI data security standards and NACHA Operating Rules.
What is Encompass World Partners’ privacy policy?