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Encompass World Partners exists to spread the knowledge and glory of God among the least reached of our world.

Since 1900, we have been on a mission to glorify God and make Him known among the nations by investing in individuals. Currently, Encompass serves various people groups in 31 countries across the globe.

The Encompass family is committed to finding innovative ways to share Christ with those who have not heard. We gather new believers into community, and we train local leaders so we will see an indigenous church planting movement begin to flourish.

And we love to show Christ’s hope in tangible ways. Through crisis response, integrated medical care, and sustainable community development, we seek to minister to the needs of our brothers and sisters and to do good to all people.

Vision and Values

To spread the knowledge and glory of God among the least reached of our world.

To mobilize, equip, deploy, and nurture multinational teams of disciple-makers who live and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ through engaging in sacrificial service, intentional evangelism, and whole-life discipleship, resulting in the creation of healthy spiritual communities.

Core Values:
• Relentless pursuit of the Great Commission
• Prayer that leads to vision that leads to risk-taking faith
• Valuing individuals and empowering teams
• The glory of the Church as God’s plan for this age
• Strive for excellence in all we do

Our Commitment to a Common Mission

The Charis Alliance is a multinational network of Charis Fellowship church planters and developers whose values are defined by the pursuit of biblical truth, biblical relationships, and biblical mission. The delegates of the 2008 International Conference affirm the following Commitment to Common Mission and encourage the participation of Charis Fellowship churches worldwide.

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