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Resources for a New Year on Mission!

A new year is a great time for renewed focus on the Great Commission. We pray that one of your church’s resolutions is to become more missional, and we recommend four resources that can help!
  • Missionary God, Missionary Bible is a plan to read through the Bible chronologically in a year, accompanied by devotional thoughts. The devotionals are written by Dr. Dick Brogden, president of Live Dead. He was born and raised in Kenya and missions is his life’s work.
  • Discovering Global Missions is a great starting point for learning more about missions and how to engage more meaningfully in it. It’s written by Dave Guiles, who spent years in Argentina as a church planter and has served for over 20 years as Executive Director of Encompass World Partners.
  • Operation World is a year-long prayer guide that highlights every country in the world while providing political, religious, and cultural insights. If you want to see your heart for the nations grow, this is the right book! There is even an accompanying app that reminds you to pray each day.
  • Let the Nations Be Glad is a classic book by John Piper. He says, “Missions is not the ultimate goal of the Church. Worship is. Missions exists because worship doesn’t.” And he goes on to defend this thesis from scripture and missionary history.
If you need assistance encouraging your church towards missions, email Encompass mobilizer Mike McKeever.