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Vision & Values

“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations.”
—Matthew 28:19

We exist to spread the knowledge and glory of God among the least reached of our world. Discover how!

Major Trends and Opportunities

The Encompass family of ministries spans the globe, reaching into 30 countries with the hope of Christ.

Today, 112 people serve on our global team, building the Kingdom of God on four continents.

We partner with over 300 national ministry leaders who bring the gospel to people in their countries.

Church Planting Network

The Church Planting Network establishes churches and activates local leaders to bring the gospel to their communities.

“In 2017, we started a Russian church when we realized how many Russian-speaking people were interested in church but felt they didn’t fit in at the church in our city. More than 80 people participate, 25–30 of them active, representing 14 different nationalities. Each year we see one to two people come to Christ and hold one to two baptisms. Since the summer of 2020, we have been preparing locals to take leadership roles, and in December they started to help with Sunday teaching, men’s and women’s groups, kids’ ministry, and finances. Our main focus is to teach the Bible verse by verse, read the Word of God and obey it, and tell others the Good News.” – Eddy & Sarah*, Central Asia (Names changed for security reasons)

Church Equipping Network

The Church Equipping Network disciples and trains local believers to become church and ministry leaders in their communities.

“With COVID-19 restrictions, we couldn’t meet in groups for most of the year, so we gave out Easter and Christmas packs, using the door drop-offs to reach out. During the summer, we ran a Vacation Bible School-style club where families could collect materials from us, watch video lessons at home, and earn prizes by learning Bible verses and completing worksheets. We offer outdoor mobile events we call Walk ‘n’ Talk Church, using devices to broadcast audio to participants, including music, stories, and guidance. We have also partnered with a local charity that runs a food bank in response to the health crisis, assembling and delivering groceries for isolated people during lockdowns.” – Jason & Crystal, Western Europe

Transformation Works Network

The Transformation Works Network puts the gospel on display through business ventures, educational opportunities, acts of service, and relationship building.

“Our business as mission initiatives in Southeast Asia demonstrate the gospel through a holistic approach. We bring people together, building community with our staff, customers, and neighborhood. We don’t see people as objects of ministry, but as participants in relationships that God uses to reveal Himself through conversations and presence. Our vision is to see inclusive workplaces where young adults with intellectual disabilities can participate in society and be treated with dignity as bearers of God’s image. Although the challenges brought by Covid have caused us to readjust, we have been intentional to respond proactively, and our businesses continue to operate and impact people, for which we thank God.” – Colin & Colleen*, Southeast Asia (Names changed for security reasons)

Crisis Response Network

The Crisis Response Network partners with churches and ministry leaders to care for people during natural disasters, health emergencies, and more.

“War in the Central African Republic (CAR) has allowed us to partner with three local churches in Chad, where over 5,000 refugees from the CAR have poured over the border. We have helped provide disaster relief supplies and training in trauma care. This trauma care is helping believers share the gospel. Most of these refugees come from Islamic traditions and are unreached. Pray that God empowers His Word as we go forth to “compel them to come in” (Luke 14:23) because there are still many the Lord is calling “who are not of this sheepfold” (John 10:16), and it is our privilege to partner with Him to bring them in.” – Barb, United States

Mobilization Services Network

The Mobilization Services Network identifies, prepares, and sends new team members to the nations, and it encourages, equips, and supports our global staff members on the field.

“20/20 is often used as a metaphor for perfect vision, and many people hoped they could determine clear, new initiatives during the year 2020. The pandemic, of course, greatly affected these plans. We might have expected our efforts to identify and guide potential new global workers to stall during this time. Instead, we are thrilled to see 11 new appointees clearly sensing God’s call to go and serve the least reached! Praise God with us for these answers to our prayers for more workers!” – John & Kate, United States


Encompass World Partners highly values integrity, stewardship, and accountability. We align with other evangelical mission organizations in order to consistently maintain and improve in these areas.

Learn more about our structures of accountability

View our complete financial statement for the past year








*Preliminary audit data



Missionary Ministry - 74%
Field Projects - 26%


Systems / Infrastructure - 36%
Leadership / Direction - 34%
Finding / Sending Next Gen - 13%
Caring for Current Staff - 9%
Keeping You Connected - 8%



*Preliminary audit data

“We must be global Christians with a global vision because our God is a global God.” ―John R.W. Stott

Thank you for supporting us as we go further together for the gospel!

“For ‘everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.’ How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? And how are they to preach unless they are sent?” – Romans 10:13-15a