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A Missional Mosaic

Working Towards a Robust Theology of Women on Mission

We are delighted to announce the publication of this anthology of more than 250 pages which seeks to represent the mosaic of Scripture regarding how men and women on mission can work together for the greater glory of God.

A Missional Mosaic is the product of more than 18 months of work by the WoRTh Project (Working towards a Robust Theology)- a core group of missional leaders on the role and dignity of women. The anthology was edited by Encompass global workers L. Klawitter and B. Schwan. We are delighted that their work is now in an accessible format for the broader Body of Christ!

Our hope is to encourage reflection, study, and thoughtful, prayerful practice of Scriptural principles among people on mission, whatever their contexts. We have discovered that by regarding the many varied stories of women throughout the Bible as individual tiles in a grand and glorious mosaic, an overall picture emerges. This picture gives cause to celebrate the Lord’s artistic designing of men and women, made in God’s image, as both equal and complementary, gifted by His Spirit to participate in the missio Dei, the work of God on this earth.

As church planters and cross-cultural workers, we are “boots-on-the-ground” theologians of a sort, not vocational scholars and academics, but practitioners. We do not primarily work within the established North American church but rather in church planting and cross-cultural ministries including church equipping, holistic ministries, and crisis response. We hope to bring some varied perspectives, a slightly different voice to the subject, and to enrich the conversation.