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Chad Trades Discipleship

Your skills in welding or mechanics could be a key to accelerating church planting in Africa! Do you love to disciple young believers and show them how to live for Christ? Do you like to teach people your trade? God could use you to help African church planters. 

Chad has people who are trained and committed to taking the gospel to unreached places and peoples. The African model is for church planters to be primarily self-supporting. As you teach the church planters in-demand skills like truck mechanics and welding, you equip them to support their ministries and families. While training them in the trade, you can help them grow in Christ at the same time. 

A team in N’djamena, Chad, has an opportunity to partner with the African church in training a new wave of church planters. We are praying for a team of eight global workers to start this ministry. We need welders, mechanics, disciplers, and partnership specialists. We also need people skilled in organization and administration. 

How do you see yourself in this opportunity? Share your vision with an Encompass mobilizer.